Upcoming Meetings

The next meeting will be held at the Rocky Cape Tavern, July 26, 6.30 for 7.00pm. Lions Ron and Pam Prior will entertain us with tales from their recent trip to Antarctica.

Yanns Road Cemetry Project

General work is continuing, albeit at a slower than expected pace due to the weather. We are hoping to push on in the warmer months to achieve our goals. We will keep you updated, including photos, with our workings and the progress of the grants that we have applied for.

2010 Changeover and 10 year Anniversary Dinner

All the big kids came out to celebrate the "Toy Store" themed Changeover and 10th Anniversary Dinner at the Rocky Cape Hall on the 26th of June.We witnessed the induction of the 2010/11 Board of Directors, thanked the outgoing Board members for their efforts, and partied into the night to celebrate 10 years of the Rocky Cape Lions Club. Past District Governor David Hopkins and his lovely wife Bev were in attendance, along with Region Chairman John "the Builder" Medwin, his lovely wife Joan, and Lions from the Smithton and Wynyard Lions Clubs. As they say, a picture paints a thousand words...

Bus Shelter in Yanns Road

The Bus Shelter Project has been completed by the "construction-challenged" members, and we are now only awaiting signage...photos to follow.

Heather's Big Birthday Bash

Past Secretary Heather was finally left speechless and shaking when a surprise 70th birthday party was organised for her at the Shed in Montumana. All in attendance were left dumb-founded by the fact that this surprise was kept secret from our intrepid Lion Heather. Needless to say, all 50 guests had a remarkable afternoon, and gave fitting tribute to our tireless Heather.