A special mention must be made regarding Tail Twisting Lion, "Young" Kevin Radford, who, through his efforts to procure a "Home Base", was not only known as "Councillor" Radford, but has been acknowledged as the Honorary Mayor of Rocky Cape.
Lions Club of the Year Perpetual Trophy
The dinner meeting on 23 November 2009 not only produced 3
new Lions, but included
the presentation of the Lions Club of the Year Perpetual Trophy to our Club. The shield is awarded annually to a Lions Club in Tasmania which has demonstrated the best all-round performance within the purposes of the organization. At the District Convention held in Hobart 13-15 November, it was announced that the shield had been awarded to the Lions Club of Rocky Cape/Stanley. The presentation was made by Smithton Lions Club President, Lion David Johns, and was accepted by our
President, Lion Craig Williams. This was a stunning surprise for all of us, and will act as encouragement for all of the Club and our Lions-in-training, and also vindicates the tireless efforts of the past, present and new members of the Rocky Cape/Stanley Lions Club. A special thanks to the members of the Smithton Lions who came to join us for the evening.
A special mention must be made regarding Tail Twisting Lion, "Young" Kevin Radford, who, through his efforts to procure a "Home Base", was not only known as "Councillor" Radford, but has been acknowledged as the Honorary Mayor of Rocky Cape.
A special mention must be made regarding Tail Twisting Lion, "Young" Kevin Radford, who, through his efforts to procure a "Home Base", was not only known as "Councillor" Radford, but has been acknowledged as the Honorary Mayor of Rocky Cape.
New Member Inductions
Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting will be held 23 November 2009, at the Rocky Cape Tavern, 6.30pm for 7.00pm.
Our next 6 weeks will be very busy, with hampers, the Stanley Show lunch, Santa Run, our usual Friday night raffles at the Tavern and the Stanley Hotel.
Our next 6 weeks will be very busy, with hampers, the Stanley Show lunch, Santa Run, our usual Friday night raffles at the Tavern and the Stanley Hotel.
Visit by DG John Gillham
DG John Gillham visited the Rocky Cape Lions Club dinner at Hurseys Restaurant, 26 October 2009. Not only did he present Lion Anne with her award, but also Inducted Tracey and Julian Jacobs, of Stanley, into our club and exchanged banners with our President, Lion Craig Williams. Welcome Tracey and Julian!
Tasmanian Lions Foundation Fellowship Award
Lion Anne has been a tireless member for many years and, unusually, was left speechless on the night. All Rocky Cape Lions are very proud of Anne's achievement, and investigations are underway to determine how this was kept a secret from her.
Thelma and Louise?
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